5 Tips for Choosing Bid Day Themes Every Bid Day Chair Should Know

#Greek Events

Are you a new Bid Day Chair deciding on the perfect theme for your chapter? The Greek House team has gathered five tips for choosing your sorority bid day theme that you should know before planning your bid day.

Find a Bid Day theme with a catchy slogan

Every bid day theme should have a catchy slogan or saying. A slogan is perfect to put on backdrops and banners. Themes with slogans or cute sayings are also great for Instagram captions. Sisters are bound to post as soon as they get a chance so it is important that they can create captions out of the bid day theme. 

1 Bee Theme - “Welcome to the hive” “Uh Huh Honey”

2 Jungle Theme - “Welcome to the wild side”

3 Candy Land Theme - “Welcome to the sweet life” “(Name of Sorority) just got sweeter”


Check out the Greek House design gallery for inspiration

The Greek House Design Gallery hathousands of bid day shirt designs to get inspiration from! See a design you love? Place a free design request and let our designs know of any changes or additions to the design you want to see.  


Alpha Delta Pi - Bid Day Design  Delta Gamma - Bid Day Design

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Look at other chapter’s past bid day themes

Another way to gather inspiration is looking at other chapter’s past bid day themes on Pinterest and Instagram. This is a great way to see what banners, accessories and activities other chapters used and make your own version!


Make it relevant/trendy

Each bid day season, new bid day themes become popular. These themes are often the most fun and Instagram-worthy because of the fun accessories, props and backdrops. Check out our blog "Top Bid Day Themes of 2021" for a list of popular sorority bid day themes. 

Stay true to your chapter!

The best sorority bid day theme is one that resonates with your chapter. When choosing a theme keep in mind the overall vibe of your chapter and what your sisters would love to be a part of. Bid day is always more fun when every sister loves and participates in the theme!

There are so many bid day theme options that it is hard to choose just one but with these tips and other articles on the Greek House blog you will be sure to choose the best bid day theme for your chapter!

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